Habit 1: Be Proactive (4/4) – Be a Transition Person
Where should I start?
“Anytime we think the problem is out there, that thought is the problem”.
The starting point for CHANGE is knowing where the problem is. So, if Stephen Covey is right with the above statement, then the problem is WITHIN YOU. The process of change should start right with you and not out there.
What should I change?
Next is knowing what to change…
“A transition person breaks unhealthy, harmful, abusive or unfortunate learned behaviours and replaces them with proactive, helpful, effective behaviours. This person models positive behaviour and passes on effective habits that strengthen and build others in positive ways”.
How can I change?
A habit is formed when you do something over and over until you do it SUBCONSCIOUSLY.
The following simple steps will help a great deal if you follow them regularly.
1. Plan weekly
– Spend 20-30 minutes to plan your activities each week
2. Live the habit
– Genuinely live out what you have learned. Ask family, friends & colleagues for regular feedback if you are acting consistently or not as a PROACTIVE person.
3. Teach to Learn
– Teach a colleague, friend or family member everything you have learned in Habit 1.
It is my sincere prayer that you have taken full responsibility of your life and are becoming a truly PROACTIVE person.
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There is a tool that generates content like human, just search in google:
miftolo’s tools
Hi. I have checked your leadersblog.org and i see you’ve got some duplicate content so probably it is the reason that you don’t rank high in google.
But you can fix this issue fast. There is a tool that rewrites articles like
human, just search in google: miftolo’s tools
This is good reading.I love this.. Very useful revision 🙂
God Bless you both… Tese for the writings…. and Franck for the blogs..!!!
Will be following closely…